National Preparedness Month

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September is National Preparedness Month. Because we live in an area of the country known for tornadoes and past storms have knocked the power out for days, we maintain emergency supplies. Ice storms, hurricanes, wildfires, and pandemics are just a few other reasons that being prepared is a good idea.

  1. Make sure that you have a scan or digital copy of everyone’s important paperwork such as passports, birth certificates, and more.

  2. Create a plan so everyone knows where to go in case of emergency Also, have a plan so everyone knows who to call and where to meetup when there is a situation where you have to evacuate.

  3. Download a weather app to alert you of dangers. Tornado from the Red Cross is a good choice. A handheld radio is also a good idea.

  4. Build a supply kit. Having supplies on hand can get you through a rough night or an unexpected event. Include:

    • Water - The recommendation is 1 gallon per person per day.

    • Personal hygiene supplies

    • Blankets and Pillows

    • First Aid Kit with OTC medicine

    • Paper Goods - paper towels, paper plates, garbage bags, ziplock bags, toilet paper, baby wipes, disposable gloves,

    • Canned goods (and a manual can opener) - beans, tuna, evaporated milk, pasta sauce, peanut butter

    • Dry Goods - crackers, noodles. Look for mixes that only require water and/or oil (unless you have a supply of fresh eggs. Protein pancake mix is a good thing to keep on hand.

    • Pet Supplies - Food, extra water

    • Tool Kit

    • Camping stove with propane.

  5. Research how to make your home safer in case you can’t leave. Plastic sheeting and duct tape can help in case of broken windows or weather.

Grab our quick 8 page download of lists to create your own emergency kit.


Being the Roberts