How to Can Tomato Juice

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Growing a large garden, means that there are vegetables that need harvested and preserved. Canning tomatoes is great for beginners because you won’t need to use a pressure canner; water bath canning tomatoes is fine. . Homemade canned tomato juice is the start to many great recipes. Growing up my grandmother would have dozens of jars of tomato juice in her root cellar to use throughout the winter.

Gather Your Supplies

  • Large Stock or Soup Pot

  • Knives & Cutting Boards

  • 4 - 8 Pint or Quart jars

  • Jar Lids and Rings

  • Ladle & Oven Mitts

  • Lemon Juice

  • Food Mill or Electric Juicer

  • Jar Funnel & Canning Lifter Tongs

  • Water Bath Canning Pot

  • Tomatoes (2.5 - 3 pounds of tomatoes makes about a quart of juice)

Making Tomato Juice Instructions


fresh homegrown tomatoes.jpg

Wash the jars and collect your lids and rings.

Step 1:

  • Wash your tomatoes. Remove the core and any bad spots. Cut the tomatoes into large chunks.

  • Add tomatoes to a large pot and simmer until they are soft and juicy.

Step 2:

  • Run tomatoes through a food mill or electric juicer to remove the seeds and skin. You want to remove as much sauce as possible so it is only pulp remaining. (When I used my electric juicer, I had to run the pulp through a few times to get it as dry as I wanted)

Note: If you want to use your tomato juice and turn it into fresh spaghetti sauce or another recipe, then stop here. If you want to can it (or jar it as some people call it) then continue reading.

Grab this 2 page printable checklist for making tomato juice and canning tomato juice.

Home Canning Tomatoes Instructions

I usually just can my juice as is, with no seasoning. However, you can add seasoning while the juice is simmering.

You can also simmer the juice for a while to remove the excess liquid if you prefer to can tomato sauce. I usually complete this step when I open and use the jar for cooking so I can adjust the thickness based on what I’m preparing.

Step 2b:

  • Put the juice back into the pot and keep warm over a low-medium heat. Using high heat will cause juice to stick.

  • While the juice is heating up, make sure the jars and lids are warm. I keep my jars filled with hot water until needed and my lids in a pot of simmering water.

  • Add water to your canning pot and bring to a boil.

Step 3:

  • Add lemon juice to each jar. Use 2 tablespoons per quart of juice or 1 tablespoon per pint.

  • Carefully pour the hot juice into the jars to 1/2” from the top.

  • Wipe off the top of the jars and place a lid on top.

  • Put a metal ring over the lids and tighten. Do not over tighten. The jars will be very hot!

Step 4:

jars of tomato juice.jpg
  • Place your jars into your canning pot with hot water. Make sure there is at least 1” of water above the top of the jars.

  • Hold on a low boil for 45 minutes.

Step 5:

  • Once the time is up, remove the jars from the heat and place on a counter to cool.

  • Listen for the lids to “pop.” Once the jars have cooled, check to make sure that they have all sealed and the lids can’t be pushed down in the center.

jars of homemade tomato juice.jpg

You can use tomato juice to make homemade spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, or ketchup. Simply place a jar of juice in a pan, add the desired seasoning, and simmer until the juice has been cooked out and the sauce is the desired consistency.

Remove the rings and store the jars in a cool, dark place. After the jars have cooled, you may see that the juice has separated. This is normal. Simply shake the jars before opening.

Need more help? Ball Canning is a great resource.