Wanderlust: Why we Love to Travel

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One of the things that has been consistent in our family is our love of travel. Our wanderlust is a constant. We are either planning a trip or taking one. Some days when we are bored, we plan imaginary trips just for the fun of it with no idea of when or if we will ever take them, lol. We talk about destinations and the routes we would travel to get there and more. We make lists of trips we want to take knowing they might be years and years into the future. For us it is fun - talking about a trip means there is a chance that it might happen one day. It isn’t unusual for us to have trips being planned 18 - 24 months into the future, meaning we are about to take one trip while also planning the next one (or two).

We love sitting down with our parents and grandparents and hearing stories of some of the trips they have taken in the past. We listen as they share destinations they visited and what they saw. Many times we have traveled to the same places, and we compare our favorite places. We talk about how things have changed when they took road trips in the 50’s or 60’s or 70’s. We laugh at some of the adventures that they found themselves in while on vacation.

For us, a camping trip in the woods can be just as fulfilling as a road trip across the country. The journey is the destination.

Vacations are a rest for the body as well as the soul.

8 Reasons we love to travel

It makes us stop - It is so easy to stay constantly busy, never relaxing. It can be exhausting. Vacations allow us to slow down and just live in the moment.

Good for your mental health - Travel can increase your happiness as well as helping us build more patience and flexibility. It can reduce your stress and help you feel calmer.

It makes your brain healthy - New sights, sounds, tastes, and smells are wonderful stimulation for your brain.

It feels exciting - The anticipation of vacation, of a new destination can be energizing. Breaking your routine feels stimulating and rejuvenating.

Making memories - Sharing the experience of a trip with family and friends creates memories. Years later you can all talk about that trip and be transported back together to that moment.

There is no one way to live - Seeing how others live and work is eye-opening. You will expand your horizons and world-view.

You learn more about yourself - Your character, resilience, and confidence will be challenged and sharpened. Managing the logistics and organization of a trip will help you develop new skills.

There’s no place like home - traveling makes you appreciate home more. After traveling, there is nothing more comforting than sleeping in your own bed!